Ms. Pittinger mentioned a cover story in the Pittsburgh City Paper on March 24, 2010, written by
Charlie Deitch, which features the CPRB and gives a brief account of past and current happenings; On 3/25/10, Ms. Pittinger met with City Councilman Daniel Lavelle to welcome Mr. Lavelle to City Council and to discuss the role of the CPRB and to offer support for his district; On 4/8/10, Reverend Burgess conducted a post-agenda on the bills associated with the Jordan Miles Public Safety Reform Agenda; Ms. Pittinger announced that today the fallen officers’ names, Stephen J. Mayhle, Eric G. Kelly and Paul J. Sciullo, II, were officially engraved into the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington DC; Ms. Pittinger reminded the Board of the scheduled Rude & Discourteous Hearing set for 6pm, Thursday, May 6, 2010 @ City Council Chambers; 15 cases were reviewed.