Ms. Hinton noted the cancellation of the July meeting due to the quorum necessary to conduct a regular business meeting; Ms. Hinton acknowledged Mr. Fred Thieman’s resignation effective September 1, 2007 as the Solicitor for the CPRB; The CPRB is in receipt of 328 complaints as of 9-25-07; A motion for the Executive Director to remain authorized and directed to initiate inquiries and issue subpoenas on behalf of the Citizen Police Review Board via the review of documents by Board Members was approved unanimously; Mr. Bingler asked Ms. Pittinger to prepare a memo discussing the possible restraint of the Private Picketing for Public Acts legislation; Ms. Pittinger reported on Executive Director Inquiry CPRB #283-07, a case which alleged gender discrimination related to secondary details involving security for the Pittsburgh Steelers; Ms. Pittinger provided Board Members with a copy of material presented to City Council on the Domestic Violence public hearing on September 10, 2007; Ms. Pittinger attended a community meeting regarding police relations in the Hispanic community and CPRB was present at various other community events; A copy of the CPRB budget for 2008 was provided to the Board at the meeting; The CPRB will sponsor a series of workshops related to Politics, Policing, and Public Perceptions; An update of the Solicitor transition was reported to the Board.