Post by Nigel Parry. The Board Meeting Blog is an unofficial citizen record of the meetings and does not reflect any official CPRB position or policy, and is simply offered as a quick way of keeping up with what happens at the board meetings. Quotes may be shortened and sometimes paraphrased for clarity. Watch full-length video recordings of all CPRB meetings at
BOARD PRESENT: Elizabeth C. Pittinger, MPM; Ms. LeKeisha Brown (City Council Seat #1: Non-LEP*); Dr. Mary Jo Guercio (Council Seat #4, Non LEP); Mr. Sheldon Williams (Mayoral Seat #7: LEP), Mr. Elwin Green (City Council Seat #3: Non-LEP); *Law Enforcement Professional
EXCUSED: Mr. Raymond Robinson (Mayoral Seat #5, Non-LEP), Dr. Emma Lucas-Darby, Chair (Mayoral Seat #6:Non-LEP)
STAFF PRESENT: William F. Ward, Esq; Stephanie Hampton; Sherry Bridget; Da’Mesha Carpenter.
The September 26th Board meeting minutes were approved without any amendments.
Executive Director Elizabeth Pittinger gave her report.
CPRB has received 188 complaints to date this year. CPRB’s intake director, Michelle Hershner (formerly Gamble), was married since CPRB last met in September. Ms. Pittinger wished her and her husband the best and praised her work.
As an investigator, Mrs Hershner speaks to every single person who contacts the CPRB, does the follow-up, makes the preliminary recommendations for the investigators, and assigns investigators to the case.

On September 21, the Black Political Empowerment Project (B-PEP) Pittsburgh Branch held the third of five in its “Community Conversation Series with Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Chief Larry Scirotto” at the Beulah Baptist Church in Beltzhoover. (Photo: BPEP)
Ms. Pittinger talked about how the last of the Community Conversations Series have concluded since CPRB’s September meeting. The last meetings were held in Homewood on October 6th and in the Elliott neighborhood in Council District 2 on October 19th.
Both were reportedly very positive meetings, with a lot of community involvement, a lot of expression of issues that people needed help with from the police, and the Chief was very responsive. The Homewood meeting saw several officers of Zone 5 participating.
CPRB’s new Community Liaison, Sherry Bridget, attended all the meetings and took her own notes with regard to concerns expressed at these events so that CPRB can look at them and see if there’s anything to get involved with.
Assistant to the Executive Director, Stephanie Hampton, has scheduled interviews for tomorrow with 12 people for the two open CPRB investigator positions. The hope is that CPRB will find appropriate candidates and start the new year with a full staff.
Regarding the CPRB’s empty board seats, Ms. Pittinger said, “Then we come to the part, really a bittersweet moment, our [new Board] member’s status.”
“The proper notices were provided by the CPRB Chair to the parties, required under the City code, and we announced the expiration of members’ terms. We had four seats whose terms would expire on October 31st.”
“In an unusual circumstance, we have received notice from City Council that appointments have been made to succeed our members whose term expires October 31st.”
“Those members affected were Council Seat number 1, Miss Lakisha Brown. Miss Brown was a successor to complete the term of Mr. Thomas Waters, who resigned back in 2021. Her successor has been confirmed by Council and he is Mr. Gregory Cotler of Crafton Heights.”
“Council Seat number 3, our incumbent is Mr. Elwin Green. His successor has been confirmed by Council, and it will be Miss Terri Shields of Hazelwood.”
“Mayoral Seat number 6 is held currently by Dr Emma Lucas-Darby. Her nominated successor is Mr. Daylon Davis. His nomination was announced to City Council this morning, and I believe they held it for an interview, so within the next couple of weeks I’m sure that Mr. Davis will receive notice from the City Clerk and they’ll establish an appointed time for him to be interviewed by City Council.”
“I have asked the Clerk to make sure we’re informed as to when those interviews occur, so that the nominee is not there by themselves. I would certainly be there with that individual.”
“Unfortunately for Mr. Cotler and Miss Shields, I did not have that opportunity and as a result they were there alone and we’ve never allowed that to happen before, but we had no knowledge that they were scheduled.”
“Mr. Davis’ appointment is still pending. The law enforcement seat currently held by Mr. Sheldon Williams, there is a pending succession there.”
“You know our members who are going to be leaving us, whose terms expire on October 31st, have been here a pretty long time. The team has enjoyed working together over the last several years and I’ll note that Dr. Darby served as Chair of this Board for 10 years.”
“She assumed the Chair in 2013 and she left in January of 2023, so we’ve had great benefit in consistency and continuity of the work that the Board has done, since your Inception and it’s always, always difficult when that team changes. But our current Board, the work you have done is a matter of record. The work you have done on cases and the status in which you leave them, will remain the status that the Board–as reorganized in December—will receive them.”
“We would like to have a party between now and December, so that we can all get together and celebrate each other and the work that we’ve done together, and just be very grateful that our paths have crossed and each of you – whether you’re an incumbent and you’re staying, or you’re leaving us – your personal dedication and your selfless participation in this process, we’re very grateful for that. You served the city of Pittsburgh, our community, extraordinarily well.”
“You know that oftentimes, an appointment to this Board or participation on this Board tends to have a little controversy around it, and never once did you flinch, and to recognize the kind of professionalism and the impartiality and objectivity with which you did your job. It’s a privilege to be able to acknowledge that and it’s been a great honor to work with each of you we’re going to miss you. There’s no question about that.”
“In the Zoom audience is a confirmed new Board member, Terri Shields, and the pending confirmation, Mr. Daylon Davis. He is the president of the Pittsburgh branch of the NAACP and Elder Terri Shields is the founder of JADA House International in Hazelwood. So they’re here with us tonight and perhaps when I’ve concluded my report and you’ve completed your work they may want to say something, and I certainly invite you to issue any kind of advice that your experience has given you to your successors.”
“I’m feeling like I’m neglecting Mr. Edwin Green. Mr. Green has been with us for an extraordinarily long period of time too. I believe Mr. Green, you came in June of 2014, so you’ve been here a very long time and been through the trials and tribulations of serving on this Board, and I thank you as well personally, for your guidance over the years and for your selfless service to the Board. Thank you.”
After some clarifying questions, the recommendations (as listed in the Case Action Agenda) were accepted and passed.
Please browse CPRB’s Case Action Agendas here for case-related documents and information:
Executive Director Pittinger brought up the Jim Rogers case, a 54-year-old man who died after being tased repeatedly while being arrested in October 2021 in Bloomfield. The City made an historic settlement of $8 million with his family in April 2023.
Ms. Pittinger commented, “The Board is unable to aggressively pursue any investigation into that incident because the district attorney has yet to disclose a prosecutorial decision. As you know we are restrained [by law] from conducting any investigation if there is still a criminal investigation underway, until such time as that criminal inquiry is disposed of finally.”
She stressed that CPRB therefore has no other information related to that incident, even though there were many questions related to what has publicly been available.
Mr. English Burton had been invited to come to tonight’s meeting to “share his approach to promoting positivity by changing the nature of language in the community, emphasizing the need for respect, and looking out for each other, the essence of community” but ultimately didn’t join the Board’s Zoom meeting.
Board member Mr. Sheldon Williams spoke, saying “I want to express my gratitude and thanks for those members who are departing as well. It’s important for us to get a sense for one another. Even though we have independent thought, we have a united Board.”
“I’ve appreciated perspectives and grace that was extended, even as much as we have different opinions, we’ve done it in in a manner that I think the public would be pleased with how we’ve operated, and that can only come about by the people who are on the Board, so as you depart, I just want to give my own personal thanks for your service during this time and you’ll be missed. To the members coming on, I’m just verbalizing we look forward to your contributions as well, as you get ready to speak.”
Elder Terri Shields and Mr. Daylon Davis expressed their appreciation for the work of the Board and look forward to beginning their service.
Outgoing Board member Ms. Lakisha Brown added, “Thank you for calling on me and trusting me and just allowing me this time to step outside of my comfort zone. When asked, I had no idea what to expect and I will tell you that this experience has matured me in a way where my perspective is balanced. I have to look at all angles and all opportunities and give a thorough amount of thought when it comes to looking at certain things. I have a newfound respect for community members and newfound respect for the police because it’s a job that’s hard and not everyone can do.”
Outgoing Board member Mr. Elwin Green also expressed his thoughts. “It just now sunk in as we were going through the case review list, and we got to the suspensions at the very end, and said ‘Authorize suspension until December’, and it hit me I won’t be here.”
“If someone had asked me in advance, I would not have predicted that that realization would evoke the feelings that it did. I think the best I can do maybe is echo what Miss Brown said—but amplified—because I have been here since 2014 which is like 12% of my life!”
“I leave to others to judge my effectiveness but I am the only one who can begin to attempt to express the degree to which I am grateful for this entire experience and for each of you.”
“Welcome to the Hotel California, folks,” chipped in Ms. Pittinger, “you can never leave.”
The next CPRB Board meeting will take place on December 5th, 2023 at 6pm ET. Check CPRB’s meetings page for links to agendas, draft and approved minutes, current case actions, meeting video, and other documents.
Watch the October 24th Board meeting
October 24th Board Meeting Documents
Meeting Agenda • Draft minutes (for review) • Case Agenda (for review)
Post by Nigel Parry. The Board Meeting Blog is an unofficial citizen record of the meetings and does not reflect any official CPRB position or policy, and is simply offered as a quick way of keeping up with what happens at the board meetings. Quotes may be shortened and sometimes paraphrased for clarity. Watch full-length video recordings of all CPRB meetings at